Pengertian Report Text
Kali ini saya akan posting teks report. Repot teks yaitu teks yang memberikan informasi suatu hal ( objek, mahluk hidup, perihal alam) dengan apa terdapatnya, sebagai hasil pengamatan yang sistematis serta berdasar fakta , dengan kata lain (menyampaikannya secara umum).
susunan report text yakni :
general statement : pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, info, serta klasifikasinya.
description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors : di sisi ini umumnya berikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang berlangsung ; baik bagian-bagiannya, pembawaan-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, atau pun prilakunya. intinya yaitu penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang di sediakan dengan ilmiah.
Berikut adalah contoh teks report :
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order
Lagomorphs, found in several parts of the world. The Latin name of rabbits are
Bunnies . Most rabbits live for about one year. In general, rabbits divided
into two types. First, rabbit-free. Second, pet rabbit. Included in the
category of free rabbits are hares (Lepus curpaeums) and the wild rabbit
(Oryctolagus cuniculus).Viewed from the type of fur, rabbit is composed of type
short and long haired with a slightly yellowish color. When winter, this yellow
color turned to gray.
It has long ears. The rabbit have four feet. It has large, powerful
hind legs. The two front paws have five toes. The hind feet have four toes.
They are digitigrade's animals. They move around on the tips of their toes.
Rabbit have a short tail.
The rabbit's long ears, which can be more than 10 cm long, are
probably an adaptation for detecting predators. They have large, powerful hind
legs. Each foot has five toes, with one greatly reduced in size. They are
digitigrades animals; they move around on the tips of their toes. Wild rabbits
do not differ much in their body proportions or stance, with full, egg-shaped
bodies. Their size can range anywhere from 20 cm in length and 0.4 kg in weight
to 50 cm and more than 2 kg. The fur is most commonly long and soft, with
colors such as shades of brown, gray, and buff. The tail is a little plume of
brownish fur (white on top for cottontails. Rabbit will bit or maybe take a pee
in someone that she love. Just for information, rabbit's memory strength is
low, so she mark her place in order that she won't forget.
Rabbit have many colors fur. It is most commonly long and soft, with
colors such as shadier of brown, gray and white. Rabbit eat carrot, leafy
vegetable. It eat 3times on day.
Rabbit is animals that give birth. Each time the mother rabbit gave
birth to four to five baby. It will make a hole in the ground. Then, it would
be a nest hole bunnies, so that don’t to eat the predator. It has fur can fall
off and it can to warm baby. The female will be lactating rabbits bunnies,
until the baby can bunnies out of the hole.
Rabbit is a funny animals and friendly with human. If you can take care
of rabbit, it’s very easy. It is only free in the ground. Then it can to search
the eat himself. The meat rabbit can to eat. like sate rabbit